QS-Z250SB/250SD Pillow Packing Machine (film fom top)
Main function and chaacteistic:1.Double tansduce contol, flexible bag length cutting, opeato needn&squo;t to adjust the unloading woking, time and film savable.2.Human-machine opeation, convenient and quick paamete setting.3.Self diagnosis failue function, clea failue display.4.High sensitivity photoelectic eye colo mak tacking, digital input cut position which makes the sealing and cutting moe accuate.5.Sepaate PID contol tempeatue, suitable fo vaious packing mateials.6.Stopping the machine in selected position, no sticking to the knife and no waste packing film.7.Simple diving system, eliable woking, convenient maintenance.8.All the contols ae achieved by softwae, convenient fo function adjusting and upgading.
Application scope:
Suitable fo packing egula objects such as biscuit, bead, instant noodle, moon cakes, industial pats, pape box o tays.
Optional device:
1. Code pinte; 2. Line sealing wheel; 3. Chequeed teminal sealing mould; 4. Exta touch sceen
1.我方负责上门安装调试及操作人员的培训;2.培训项目:A机械使用标准 B维修与保养;3.以上设备按机械使用标准操作免费保修一年(因本身配件质量问题我方负责免费维修;人为损坏由客户负责所有费用,我方帮助维修);4.保修期过后我方提供终生有偿维修及免费技术咨询;5.我方应在收到甲方维修机器通知起24小时内上门维修,排除故障,保证机器正常工作。
包装机包装机械包装设备 包装机器 多功能包装机 食品包装机 自动包装机 全自动包装机 上海包装机 包装机生产厂家上海包装机生产厂家上海包装机械枕式包装机立式包装机颗粒包装机 粉剂包装机 粉末包装机 粉类包装机粉体包装机 酱体包装机酱料包装机 酱类包装机液体包装机流体包装机水包装机料酒包装机果汁包装机柚子茶包装机牛奶包装机洗发水包装机洗发液包装机洗头水包装机葡萄酒分装包装机蜂蜜包装机碎冰包装机冰梅包装机梅子包装机面包包装机果酱包装机调料包装机调味品包装机糖酱包装机水果包装机鲜果包装机炒货包装机坚果包装机茶叶包装机袋包茶包装机袋泡茶包装机碎茶包装机带线带标茶叶包装机 内外袋茶叶包装机袋中袋茶叶包装机组合电子称8头电子称包装机